Colorado Rockies

Colorado Rockies

Monday, April 6, 2015

Within Five Miles - 200 word sentence

Five more miles until I reach my dreadful destination, until my week meets its unfortunate demise, until I am forced to be faced with the weariness of Monday morning and the complications of the school week ahead of me - three miles left, three more miles draining away from the gas tank, I’ll have to pay the losses of course, I always do even though Norton is a small town and you can get just about anywhere in under a gallon of gas; 16 miles to the gallon, that’s how much this car gets, and yet the three miles it takes to get to my house still costs me five dollars - one mile left, my night is nearing its end, five minutes until I walk through my front door, the trees zip by, they blend together in the blur of night, their branches stretch out to me like finger tips – one more minute left, I can see my house as we near the street corner, we take the sharp bend in the road with a roll and the cracking sound is deafening; the windows burst outward; the doors snap and bend, the metal crumbles under the pressure of the car's innards and our three mangled bodies; I guess accidents really do happen within five miles of the home.

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